Life Is Good

I am sitting here typing on my laptop at my favorite cafe counting my blessings as I realize how good I’ve got it. I came here this morning with my lovely wife on a scenic drive through fog-laden countryside and cool, crisp weather. After she gets off work this afternoon we are cruising in our convertible to get a bite to eat at our favorite restaurant before heading to an outdoor jazz concert.

Tomorrow we are planning to sleep late and eat our favorite breakfast at home before heading on our scooter to a classic car festival in our quaint lakeside community. On Sunday, we are planning to picnic at a local park with friends of ours whom we haven’t gotten together with for more than a year. All in all, a dream weekend by any account.

As I reflect about my good life, I am reminded of the “Life is Good” lifestyle brand, whose motto is, “Do what you love, love what you do.” To me that is one of the keys to living a life you love. I may not love everything about my life, but I am enjoying the overall journey and that is what counts in my book.

Attitude of Gratitude

I was trying to think of what to blog about today and then I was struck with an “attitude of gratitude.” It seems that just when I get to thinking about the trials I face I am reminded of how very good I’ve got it. For example, I was at my favorite café this morning thinking about some challenges I am facing and in walked a fellow regular who happens to be blind. Suffice it to say that my perspective was radically changed.

Speaking of challenges, I’ve got several friends who have placed their homes on the market in order to ease the burden of debt, reminding me that my challenges pale in comparison. My business may be experiencing a relative lull but my sister recently lost the job for which she moved to another part of the state a few years ago. She got a couple weeks severance pay and qualifies for unemployment benefits but it is small consolation.

My wife and I are among the millions of Americans without health insurance but we have been blessed with extraordinarily good health, we do what we can to take proper care of ourselves, and above all, we place our faith in God as the Chief Physician. Meanwhile, we attend church with others who are facing life and death struggles concerning their health and we are reminded to not only pray for them but to count our blessings also.